Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vampire t-shirts, bloody good tees!

Any blood-sucker fans out there?  Twilight followers?  Or old school, classic fans of the undeadVampire lovers, one and all!

Evil Genius Tees has plenty of Vampire t-shirts for your every fanged need.

Here are three sexy, artsy vector graphic designs:

Sexy splatter vampire, wild hair, bloody lips, pretty, hot female vampire
Our sexy splatter vampire with wild hair and bloody lips.

Cool blue vampire, bloody kill, beautiful, sexy
Another beautiful, sexy vampiress. Our cool blue vampire just rising from a kill, the blood dripping from her lips.  Gorgeous!

Black and white with blood stained lips, famgs, sexy grunge vampire t-shirt
Our latest offering, this design is monochrome except for bloody red lips that part to reveal vampire fangs!  Vampire mouth, sexy grunge vampire t-shirt.

And we can't forget the fans of the Twilight books and movies:

Twilight books, twilight movie, twilight t-shirts, vampire t-shirts

A nice, dark, moody Twilight vampire design, we think. A lot better than some of the twee, cutesy ones we've seen. Very Evil Genius, doncha think?

Here are all of our creature, cryptid, monster t-shirts at Evil Genius Tees for further perusal. We honor Cthulhu, zombies, El Chupacabra, vampires, werewolves, and more!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Two new Paleo, primal, caveman, ancestral diet / lifestyle t-shirts!

If you are a devote of the Paleolithic lifestyle or diet or you like to live primally, like a caveman, like our ancestors, then you'll love these two new tees from Evil Genius:

primal t-shirt, paleo t-shirt, ancestral, caveman, primitive. Live primal.
Live primal. A bold, simple statement and a super gift for any person enjoying the primitive, primal or Paleo lifestyle!

WWGD? What would Grok do? Paleo, primal, ancestral, caveman t-shirt.
I love this shirt. What would Grok do?  Well, he'd eat more fatty meat and move his arse more than we do!
Grok is most Paleo / primal  folks's litmus test for how to live our lives.  Would Grok have worn 6 inch heels?  Would Grok have eaten pizza?  Would Grok have sat on his hairy backside in front of reality TV?
WWGD?  What would GROK do?

Also comes with the cave painting in color on our light t-shirts, on our maternity shirts, and in sizes to fit any caveperson from babies to plus sizes!

Check out all of our whole foods, diet, dieting, healthy lifestyle t-shirts and gifts.

And, of course, ALL of our great tees at Evil Genius Tees.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Silly, funny t-shirts make great gifts!

Funny t-shirts are the best. They make super gifts for Christmas, Father's Day, or Mother's Day.

Here at Evil Genius Tees, we have silly, irreverant, weird, and funny t-shirts and gifts for EVERY holiday!  St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, Valentines Day ... you name it.

Here are a few of our general don't-into-any-category funny t-shirts:

sublime funny t-shirt, glass of water and a lime
Silly humorous play on words: Sublime, featuring a glass of water and a lime.  It takes some people a second to get this. Watching their faces is priceless.

The stampede has been cancelled. Western, buffalo, mothers, teachers, funny tee
One of Mr Evil Genius's ideas, this tee featuring a buffalo and cool vector graphic design art 'dust', is captioned The Stampede Has Been Cancelled. Perfect gift for harried moms, and excellent for teachers (Mr EG teaches middle school), this funny tee is also a good gift for anyone who has family or friend who tend to the dramatic.  Settle down, the stampede has been cancelled!  Animal lovers and fans of the wild west like this one, too.

pointless, pencil with two erasers. Funny, silly, play on words.
Another play on words that makes people pause: Pointless and a pencil with two erasers. Great for dress down fridays if you hate your job, endless meetings, and especially good for teens or students of any age with attitude who can't understand why they're wasting their time with this course. Hey, perhaps the teacher or professor needs one too!

So, if homorous, funny tees are your thing, then we have the shirt for you here at Evil Genius! Browse our humor section for more funny t-shirts and humorous gifts.

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