Friday, August 14, 2009

Steampunk superheroes!

ZOMG!  Evil Genius is in loooooooove!

Check out this gallery of amazing steampunk illustrations all gleaned from DeviantART.

Steampunk Batman and Darth Vader!  The most adorable steampunk Spider-Man! Squeee!

Amazing Steampunk Spider-man by JP Johansson on Evil Genius
Steampunk Spider-Man by JP Johansson.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Steampunk flash drive

Guy creates a really lovely Steampunk flash drive. Best part is the step-by-step pics of how he did it!!

I obviously need this Dremel!

Victorian / steampunk Star trek Wallpapers!

Eee!  Fabulous victorian / steampunk wallpapers by Rabbittooth. (scroll down)

My fave:

victorian steampunk star trek engineer Scotty by Rabbittooth

How fabulous is THAT?!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Star Wars steampunk!

OK, how cool is this?!  I found these on the Official Star Wars blog.  The writer gets the definition of Steampunk wrong (Jules Vern IS Steampunk and Blade Runner is Cyberpunk) but I'll forgive him/her *wink*.

Steam punk Star Wars characters!  COOL!
"Fan and custom figure creator Sillof has posted some outstanding Star Wars Steampunk figures that make us long for an official line of Victorian EU toys."
Ditto this!  Read the whole post about Sillof's steampunk Star Wars characters and check out the additional pics. Steampunk Darth Vader is fabulous!
Here's a really gorgeous steampunk rendering of Admiral Ackbar:
"Artist Eric Poulton continues his Steampunk Star Wars tribute with this rather endearing portrait of Admiral Ackbar as Captain Ackbar ..."