Thursday, May 25, 2006

New shirt! May 25

Presenting our newest Evil Genius shirt and spotlighting two older ones, including our bestseller!

Click on picture to get particulars on the products and larger images.

Everyone has had days like this:

"Some days it just doesn't pay to creep out of the darkness" shirt with tentacle and slime!

Order now!

Let everyone know:

Evil Genius shirt! Also in babywear, bib, and child's tee and available in ash grey and baseball jersey.

And our original Evil Genius shirt and our bestseller:

"Evil Genius Spam: Enlarge your cock!" with pic of Evil Genius and giant ... rooster!

Order now! Also in white, black-sleeved baseball jersey, sweatshirt, or mug!

As always, sizes to 3X.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

New shirts in the store! May 20

Click on picture to order!

Pink also available in Ash Grey. Sizes up to 3x!

To go straight to the storefront and see all Tees, click here!


Ever had that nosy busy-body get in your face and ask: "So, do you work?"

Honey, these kids aren't raising themselves! Order now, also in ash grey.

Every mother has felt this before:

Order the Amused or Frightened Tee.

You're a highly educated Freak of Nature:

(Freak of Nature in Latin with translation underneath) Order now!


And some new items for inhabitants of the Blogosphere:

I'm a mother, I'm a blogger, I'm a Mommy Blogger and proud of it:

Order the Mommy Blogger tee.

Go ahead and warn them:

Order the Blog About Tee.

And for those annonymous commentors who like to tell you what you can and cannot say on you own blog:

Order Don't Like it or My Rules Tee

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Welcome to the official blog for the Evil Genius Store!

We'll post all our new products from the store as they are added! You can come here and get a quick, orderly look at anything we have for sale in the store! Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

PS: remember that we're always under construction so 'scuse the mess ...