Proud member of the Evil Genius Party!
Since we have so so much stuff we'll break it up into different blog entries for ya!
FIRST - in preparation for the 2008 election for president - we present the Evil Genius Party and all the T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, and buttons you need to show your support for the newest political party: the Evil Genius Party! Go to www(dot)evilgeniusparty(dot)org and check it!
Now on to the NEW designs:
Starting off with politics, this is our basic Evil Genius in 2008 design. This comes on our v. cool bumper sticker as well!
'Vote Evil Genius in 2008' t-shirt. Also on the bumper sticker, grey tee, and our baby doll tee for the ladies!
For the Evil Genius who's fed up with the current administration or the slack-twisted candidates up for election:
'A Genius for a change' mug . Also on our comfy, 100% cotton tees!
And our best-selling official logo shirt:
Evil Genius Party: taking over the world one evil plot at a time! Perfect gift for anyone dreading the upcoming 2008 presidential election or just sick of the president, the campaign, or politics in general! Become an Evil Genius Party supporter!
And our retro, vintage - look bumpersticker design: This comes on a mug and a grey t-shirt as well! Impress your friends! Makes a v. cool gift as well.
And last but not least, a little comic book geek slash political stuff, here right before the Fourth of July!

Superman is a patriot! Show your disappointment and wear our "...And the American Way!" t-shirt today. Great for anybody who wants to show his patriotism any time of the year! Available on several styles of mens and ladies t-shirts, plus mugs, and stickers!
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