New shirts, June10th
Evil Genius Tees! WWW (dot) EVILGENIUSTEES (dot) COM. Please help us spread the word!
And now, new T-shirts in the Evil Genius Comics Online Store - EvilGeniusTees:
In keeping with our tentacle monster slash cthulhu slash horror thingy that we seem to have going on, LOL:
Everyone has those days. It's just one damned tentacled monster after another! Perfect gift for the overworked and underappreciated cubicle worker.
And speaking of the workplace ... are you just sick of the drama? Tired of the spite and snarky attitudes? Here's the Dress Down Friday shirt for you:
Less drama ... more funny!
And we have several new shirts for moms:
I make milk, what's YOUR superpower? Great gift for the breastfeeding mom, of course, or an attitude packed shirt for ANY female.
And here's a few tees for the Large Family whether quiverfull or just planning a lot of little ones. Show the world how proud you are of your big family!
I (heart) my large family! Those words say it all!
Another Large Family / quiverful shirt and one with attitude:
Tired of that idiot comment? ("are all these yours?!") Well, here's your comeback shot! Yes, all these kids are MINE!
And another rude question: "You're pregnant AGAIN?"
Yes, we know what causes it. Yes, we have a television. Jeez, can't they come up with anything better?
And for the thrifty mom kickin' it old style:

Obviously a great gift idea for any breastfeeding, cloth diapering, home cooking, mother, LOL!
And finally for those days when people just can't seem to stay out of your face:
It's clearly 'be rude to pregnant women day'!
OK, that's all I have for you today, loves. Remember that many of our designs come on babywear as well, in addition to bags, mugs, and several styles and colours of shirts in sizes up to 4x!! Go browse the store and ... have fun!
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